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[Alpha 1C Released] [World Region] The 21st Century

Posted: 27 Sep 2004 11:10
by Johns_Volition
The 21st Century Mod

This mod has the purpose to continue at the point Locomotion ends: In the Year 2005 continuing until the year 2099.
I'm not intending to make this Mod (which will become a World region) to be a 100% scientific explainable study on how the world will be, rather to be fun to look at... So let's take a look what we've got Allready:

If you are too bored to read on... Here's the the Download:

Alpha 1c


(until now)

The World Region!

The Currency:

Look at the Poll

Industry Chains:


1. Colonists Academy

Here Bored Citizens are trained to become Colonists, at the moment the Academy has a sensational 100% graduation rate.
*Takes Passengers
*The Colonists are shipped to the Spaceport

2. Uranium Mines

Somewhere the power of the 21st Century has to be taken from and what better source is there as the Niftyness of Uranium?
*The Uranium goes to the NukeFuel-Works

3. NukeFuel-Works

Since Simple Uranium Rods weren't fuel efficient enough, Nuke-Fuel was invented. A fluid, glowing type of new Fuel (the glowing comes from phosphor mixed into it, making it easier to distinguish), that is powerful enough to lift reusable rockets in Space, or power the newest types of Fusion Power Plants.

*Takes Uranium
*Takes Oil? <- Not sure
*NukeFuel goes either to the Space-Port or The Fusion Power Plant

4. Space-Ports

Finally the age of Space exploration has begun. With the invention of Nukefuel, relativly cheap, reusable Rockets could be realised. Hundredthousends of colonists are being send to the Various Colonies which are popping up all over the Solar system, sending back tons of important Goods, such as the Moon-Gibbler, the toy every child must have!

*Takes Colonists
*Takes Nuke-Fuel
*Produces Goods

5. Fusion-Power Plants

With the growing World Population there is also a growing demand of energy. With the innovation of new, heat resistent materials and Nuke-Fuel, Fusion Power was finally interdouced to the World. The only downpart of this wonderful source of clean energy is the Waste that consists out of unsplittable elments in NukeFuel, which cannot be used in the Fusion. And unlike the Spaceships, it can't be simply jettinsoned into space.

*Takes NukeFuel
*Produces NuclearWaste which goes to the Waste Disposal

6. Waste Disposal

It's just what the name implies

*Takes Nuclear waste


*New Waggons for all New Goods
*NSF_37's SD138 (thanks a lot for this man)
*Rens2Sea's Maglev set
*A few of the late 20th century trains that are allready included into the game


Work in progress!.... I'll add stuff as it gets finished... If you feel like participating, or have a mod that just fits into this Region, just post it...
There is allways aid needed with new houses and new Locomotives, such as Maglev's etc.

Credits so far:
*Rens2Sea: started of with the Nuclear power plant, which is now the FusionPP, he's doing most (98%) of the fancy coding stuff
*My humble self: I guess I did most of the graphics and added a few of my ideas
*NS_37's SD_37 + Waggon[/url]

Posted: 27 Sep 2004 11:28
by Loewe13
hey cool idea

monorails are coming from me also if help available i wouldnt say no because i dont know how to import the grafics im making for the mod because its my first time with this 3d editor ;-)))

Posted: 27 Sep 2004 11:29
by alphanumeric
hmmm..... intresting... I kind of like the idea. might need a lil work... the colors are kind of bright.. BUT! it does at a lil jingle to the game... and takes away from chris dull colors..

new houses, and better coloring sound like a dandy idea :idea:

Posted: 27 Sep 2004 11:35
by Loewe13
for a nuclear plant dont forget the smokestacks like the coal powerstation the nuclear ones have them in real to ;-)

Posted: 27 Sep 2004 11:40
by alphanumeric
oh oh... you know what would be really cool? well I dont know how you could mod this... maybe using some code from Docks.. so they sit on land and water.. (actually I havnt built a dock in Loco yet, so I dont know lol)

anyways! there is a nuclear powerplant by my house here in CA, that sits on the beach of the ocean... it uses the water to cool down the reactors.. I dont know if these are common plants. but that would be cool..

ps.. surfers love to surf the area cause of the warm water... lets just hope they dont grow a 3rd eyeball ............... on there leg? :lol:

Re: [World Region] The 21th Century

Posted: 27 Sep 2004 12:54
by squishycube
Johns_Volition wrote: Any help like new houses, cool new industies, Maglev trains, Monorails, etc. is appreciated
Do you mean help is an making stuff, or help as in finding stuff. (like pictures)

Posted: 27 Sep 2004 13:03
by Johns_Volition
Doing stuff my friend... Finding pictures is not the hard part :lol:

alphanumeric, as far as I know, every nuclear reactor is build next to a water source, it wouldn't work out good without that

Posted: 27 Sep 2004 13:07
by alphanumeric
I have only see 1 powerplant in my life lol...

<- dumbfounded idiot

Posted: 27 Sep 2004 17:53
by HwAoRrDk
Errrr... "21th"?

Don't you mean "21st"? :P

Posted: 27 Sep 2004 17:59
by jules
HwAoRrDk wrote:Errrr... "21th"?

Don't you mean "21st"? :P
lol good point.. err yea its 21st, but anyways...
the colors are kind of bright..
I love the colours, locomotion is way too bland..!

Posted: 28 Sep 2004 11:37
by Rens2Sea
Screenshot of what we have so far:


Posted: 28 Sep 2004 11:45
by ampz
Perhaps the world region should be called "The nuclear age" or perhaps "Post WW3"? :)

Posted: 28 Sep 2004 12:02
by Johns_Volition
naaa, I guess 21st century will do... :)

Posted: 28 Sep 2004 12:05
by ChrisCF
Finally - we have a use for the Class 20 :D

Posted: 28 Sep 2004 12:29
by Villem
ChrisCF wrote:Finally - we have a use for the Class 20 :D
Their Good at pulling alots of goods...though not shure if used for that job in Real Life.

Posted: 28 Sep 2004 12:34
by Arathorn
A nice thing for the desert climate would be a solar collector field producing hydrogen.

Posted: 28 Sep 2004 12:51
by Slangen
Another cool mod would be a train running on a nuclearengine :roll:

Posted: 28 Sep 2004 13:09
by Johns_Volition
well it's not desert dertish climate... we haven't even though about that yet... maybe somebody's going to participate with some new terrain grafics?

Posted: 28 Sep 2004 15:13
by -matt-
Looks good but whats Nukefill? Doesnt uranium go straight to a nuclear power plant?


Posted: 28 Sep 2004 15:24
by Bart
That nuclear power plant really spits out some greenish s***, incredible :p

Love to see this done, the idea is very cool!