Announcing the Transport Tycoon Forums Meet 2007: The Movie

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Announcing the Transport Tycoon Forums Meet 2007: The Movie

Post by orudge »

Ladies and gentlemen, it's been a long time in the making (mainly because I've been rather busy, not because it's all that fantastic), but finally, the movie of the official Transport Tycoon Forums meet 2007 is available for your viewing pleasure.

You can download the film in DivX format by clicking here (192MB). A smaller version suitable for streaming will be uploaded to Google Video or similar tomorrow (although, if you have a fast enough connection, you can probably stream this one using VLC - it's generally between 512kbps and 1Mbps). The film is around 23 minutes long, but do watch it all - those who weren't at the meet will be able to put a few faces to names, and those who were will be able to remember the day's events!

Don't forget, the official 2008 meet is being planned as we speak - see this thread for more details.

If you have any comments on the movie, please post here - even if it's just to say you've watched it and you've enjoyed it (or not, as the case may be!), any comments are appreciated.

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Re: Announcing the Transport Tycoon Forums Meet 2007: The Movie

Post by orudge »

OK, the streaming Flash version is available here - you should be able to watch this in your web browser. The high quality DivX version is still available for download, though.

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